North Texas Business Aviation Association (NTBAA) Safety Showdown

  • August 30, 2022
  • Galaxy FBO KADS
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Galaxy FBO sponsored and attended the North Texas Business Aviation Association (NTBAA) Safety Showdown.

The 2022 NTBAA Safety Showdown included a full day of learning, networking, and educational keynote sessions.

Attendees had multiple opportunities to participate in hands-on fire safety training throughout the day, while learning best practices from other operations. Additional sessions were offered on Air Care and Fire Safety, Business Aviation Hot Topics, and Safety Knowledge Management.

Galaxy FBO was proud to sponsor the afternoon networking break for all in attendance, which included a variety of tasty bites and flavored waters, before keynote speaker Amy D. Grubb, PhD gave the closing keynote. As current Digital Transformation Advisor to the CIO for the FBI, Amy gave an impactful and empowering presentation on ‘Navigating Through Change’.

Since 2008, the North Texas Business Aviation Association (NTBAA) has been bringing together the growing North Texas Business Aviation Community to network, educate, mentor, share best practices, and represent the interests of the business aviation industry. For more information, visit